Mibladen, Morocco
Cabinet, 12.0 x 5.0 x 5.75 cm
On a sliver of matrix is an intergrown cluster of equant, doubly terminated, lustrous and translucent, gear-shaped, reddish-brown crystals of vanadinite including a huge crystal that is 3 cm across. The crystals exhibit gemmy, orange to yellow highlights and a few exhibit incipient hopper growth, although the large crystal displays incredible hopper growth. A secondary phase of yellowish-tan vanadinite is present on the sides and bases of many crystals which is not as lustrous but actually serves to highlight all the more the front view, which is lustrous and a classic brick-red in color. An outstanding example of Moroccan vanadinite, unusual in its sculptural form and very nearly pristine condition for such a large and exposed specimen.