Mibladen, Morocco
Miniature, 5.75 x 5.0 x 3.6 cm
The composition of this aesthetic mound of nearly equant, intergrown, glassy and translucent, gear-shaped, reddish-brown crystals, is highly sculptural. It is pure vanadinite. Highlights of orange and yellow emanate from the crystal depths. Many crystals, to 1.5 cm across, are doubly terminated and a few exhibit incipient hopper growth. The underside and back side of the crystals have a secondary vanadinite phase of yellowish-tan color, with the yellow being lustrous. These oriented growth coverings serve to all the more accentuate the front face which is shockingly lustrous as you can see.The specimen is pristine and complete all around (although as I said, coated on other faces).