Prehnite with Garnet
Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Quebec, Canada
Miniature, 4.6 x 3.4 x 1.9 cm
Ex. Charlie Key

These tan colored, fan-like aggregates look more like Stilbite than Prehnite! This gorgeous miniature from the Jeffrey Mine in Quebec really does resemble a Stilbite cluster rather than what we would expect of Prehnite, but the incredible zoned, Grossular Garnet crystals are revealing! The satin to silky lustered fans and clusters measure up to 2.6 cm across and exhibit a pleasing a pale peachy tan color in contrast to the two-tone pink and green zoned Garnets present on one side of this attractive miniature. The glassy, trapezohedral Grossular Garnets are cored by a grass-green phantom surrounded by a thick, lovely, pinkish-violet outer zone. The Garnets are clustered, yet still distinct and range in size from 3 to 8 mm in size This is just an incredibly aesthetic and well-balanced piece, and very unusual for the locality!