Fluorite With Galena (Very Fluorescent!)
Frazier's Hush Mine, Weardale, County Durham, England
Large Cabinet, 18.5 x 16.0 x 3.6 cm
This remarkable old-timer features GEMMY purple cubes of the HIGHEST glassy luster and best color. They are just gorgeous, and pics cannot convey it, given the size of the plate. The largest fluorite, an interpenetration twin, is 2 cm across. The display face is completely covered with these gorgeous crystals, and also a few galenas scattered about. This is a true classic, from the locality which provided the specimens from which the very word FLUORESCENCE was coined in the early days of mineralogy. One seldom sees such pristine, large plates today. It is, of course, HIGHLY fluorescent a neon purple color under UV light.