Brazilianite (Type Locality)
Corrego Frio, Minas Gerais, Brazil (TL)
Toenail, 2.8 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm
These top examples of their species came out in the 1940s, only, and never again. This near-floater Brazilianite is a competition-quality thumbnail that is transparent, lustrous, doubly-terminated, and greenish-yellow. It is SUPER GEMMY in person. The back side of the crystal is richly covered by small blades of Muscovite. The pics are good, but the true quality of the crystal's form and color is even better. Once in the world-class thumbnail collection of former Dallas native Martin Zinn (long since sold off). Flashier and brighter in person, the aesthetics are excellent and the balance is superb. Few brazilianites make a GREAT thumbnail as opposed to a merely representative thumbnail.