Topaz on Cleavelandite
Little 3 Mine, Ramona, San Diego County, California, USA
Small Cabinet, 8.5 x 7.0 x 6.0 cm
Ex. Chuck Houser; Louis Spaulding; Jesse Fisher and Joan Kureczka
This is a piece I have always thought to be Chuck's treasure, the most fine by overall standards outside County, for the species. It is a MATRIX, DOUBLY-TERMINATED, GEMMY, blue topaz! The piece is totally pristine save for a small crack partway down the sides, revealing where a very tight repair has been made. It is extremely aesthetic, and an important example of topaz from San Diego, said by Bill Larson to be one of the top three such matrix crystals known along with his own specimen and one sold to the Smithsonian in the 1970s. The style of the crystallized matrix marks it as unlike anything from Brazil which might compete with it, and proves it to be San Diego despite the unusual quality. This piece had never been fully prepped and cleaned until now, despite being collected 30 years ago by the mine owner, Louis Spalding; who sold it to Cal Graeber, who sold it to Jesse Fisher and Joan Kureczka in whose collection it resided for many years before it ended up with Chuck.