Quartz (With Iron Coating)
Sils, Thusis, Domieschg Area, Switzerland
Cabinet, 15.5 x 10.0 x 6.8 cm
Ex. Dr. Peter Bancroft
This large quartz crystal with a citrine-like color, due to a thin veneer of microscopic included iron, is both lustrous and doubly terminated. In fact, this may actually be a floater, with no visible points of attachment. One neat result of the iron coating, is the rainbow effect on the surface of the specimen. Very minor nicks at the termination are inconsequential. A most unusual Swiss specimen! This is one of two items in the update I did not get directly. This specimen was in fact sold by Pete Bancroft in the 1960s to collectors Herb and Alice Walters, who had a huge quartz collection. Bill Larson bought that collection around 2004 .