Francon Quarry, Ville St. Michel, Quebec, Canada (TYPE LOCALITY)
Miniature, 3.2 x 1.8 x 2.3 cm
$1,750.00 Payment Plan Available
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Weloganite is a bizarre complex zirconium carbonate that ONLY occurs in large crystals at this, the type locality. I am still surprised at this fact, given the prevalence of other carbonate species worldwide, but there you have it. It was not even found and recognized till the 1960s, and now the place is effectively mined out - at least, none has been found here in some 20 years so far as I know. This is a nice cluster with good color, and the classic oddball form as you see in the stacked disc-shaped segments that combine to form a doubly-terminated, tapered barrel. Few specimens beyond thumbnails are on the market these days. (TYPE LOCALITY)