Topaz ps. after Augelite
Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, La Libertad Dept., Peru
Miniature, 5.6 x 3.0 x 2.1 cm

A highly unusual cast pseudomorph, from a small pocket found probably around 2013, this is a cast of sparkly transparent topaz crystals that formed over a large augelite! Small quartz crystals inside help give it strength and also act as a pedestal at the base. I have never seen anything like these before, and only was able to buy a handful at the time, from what Dr Jaroslav Hyrsl had purchased in Peru on one of his many trips (he is one of the experts on Peru minerals, for what it is worth). Rare, weird, surprising...The fact that such fragile hollow casts can survive the earth for millions of years (tens of millions!), and the mining, shocks me continually