Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Small Cabinet, 7.6 x 6.8 x 2.6 cm
Ex. Dr. Peter Megaw
$2,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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Large, tight cluster composed of glassy, translucent to gem, prismatic nifontovite crystals to 2.5cm on a white, fine-grained matrix. The white matrix was analyzed as bakerite, per Peter Megaw. This is an exceptionally rare mineral found only a few times at Charcas, and there probably are only a handful of specimens of this large size, overall. A display quality museum piece for this rare species. Nifontovite is a hydrated calcium borate and the finest crystals in the world originate from this Mexican locality. The locality has produced several finds over the last decade. ex. Megaw Collection, by trade, from a find in 2011 or so.