Fluorite on Sphalerite
Sub-Rosiclare Level, Annabel Lee Mine, Illinois, USA
Cabinet, 12.8 x 7.6 x 5.7 cm
Beautifully perched on crystalline black sphalerite are these two lustrous and translucent, intergrown fluorite crystals to 7.1 cm in length. They have a magnificent yellow color, with subtle purple phantoms at the surface that are more obvious to the human eye in person than to the camera which looks through them into the yellow core; a 2 mm wide rim at the terminations with glassy luster, atop the yellow (and earlier) generation of fluorite. The large crystal of fluorite is also doubly terminated. Although it is contacted on back, so the fluorite looks a little bit like a mushroom stalk from the rear, it is technically complete all around. This is a dramatic, unusual specimen (mined in 1993). RCL 1728