Thumbnail, 2.2 x 2.1 x 2.0 cm
This large natural diamond is nearly an inch across at widest, tip to tip. It weighs 42.3 carats and has a longest edge of 1.8 cm. The crystal is complete all around on all faces except only on part of one bottom face which is incomplete. The other faces, even though a few show minor growth asymmetries, are all complete and present. The diamond crystal has a distinct color to it that is hard to convey in photos, which I would say has a definite greenish tint to it. This is obviously a very large crystal, and comes from a nice locality. It was purchased long ago by a collector friend of mine while travelling in Africa, from a trustworthy mineral specimen miner from Zambia - but there is no exact locale. Because of both the color and the large, rounded size of it, it looks very distinct from other African specimen diamonds; and it has a great impact eve in a showcase with larger specimens as its shape and gemminess make it immediately recognizable. Comes on a custom pedestal base, for displaying it raised an inch and a half over a lucite square for optimal display effect. Joe Budd photo (atop)